Grammatical Exerpts Distilled, Part 3: Proposition Saul Epstein Sun, 18 Apr 1999 17:46:46 -0500 Gist of "Grammatical Proposals Part 5: Proposition" Operators from Original ZC ni not azh or ong and Syntax: Complicated... Proposed Operators ni Negation not azh Disjunction or ong Conjunction and ek Implication if am Equivalence only if Syntax: Unchanged? Proposed Premise-Conclusion Markers ac Major Premise at Major Term ic Minor Premise it Minor Term ahz Conclusion ot Third Term Proposed Membership Markers di all vu some Proposed Separators shi ( ish ) a new premise Proposed Set Markers er in a set with, unordered set link, "and also" but forming a set. osh in a sequence with, an ordered set link, "and then" ib respectively, ordered distributed associate with a previous set ig union of sets or intersection al cross product, a cartesian product of sets Proposed Intervals Markers (used in pairs only) ru unordered interval, "between x and y" he ordered interval, "from x to y (in sequence)" be closed interval bracket marker kso open interval bracket marker Proposed Grouping Markers eks in common with uc in a mass with, "and" meaning "mixed together", forming a mass Proposed Abstractors d she-D classification "D is a member of class/catagory d" d fah-D qualification "D possesses some quality d" X-ze quotation "the statement X" d is-D visual abstraction "D looks like d" d es-D aural abstraction "D sound like d" d ahs-D tactile abstraction "D feels like d" d os-D olfactory abstraction "D smells like d" d us-D gustatory abstraction "D tastes like d" d as-D telepathic abstraction "D feels like d" -- from Saul Epstein locus*planetkc,com - www,planetkc,com/locus "Surakri' ow'phahcur the's'hi the's'cha'; the's'phahrka the's'hi surakecha'." -- K'dvarin Urswhl'at