vowel notation; yet another visit Sorik of Vulcan Wed, 11 Nov 1998 17:10:00 PST A post a week or so ago on the main list partially written in Klingon got me thinking... amazing, I know :) They seem to capitalize certain characters and leave others lower case. Whatever their reason for doing this is irrelevent, but it gave me an idea. I'll throw it out and see what you think. Instead of using an to notate the sound in Tuvok, we could simply capitalize the "u". Then we have It would easily give the reader of Vulcan words in standard english text a way to decipher how it should sound. I say that mainly because neither notation we recognize is currently used with absolute dedication, nor are the vowels sounds always distinguished; that is, the s aren't always set apart from the s and so forth. Any thoughts on that? (Stupid question, huh?) -Sorik Vulcan Chat * 1600 EST, and 2000 EST: http://venus,beseen,com/chat/rooms/e/2763 email: surak_1*hotmail,com web site: http://www,geocities,com/Athens/Olympus/9087/index,html > "Beware the beast man, for he is the devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates. He kills for sport, or lust, or greed. Yey he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers for he will make a desert of his home, and yours. Shun him. Drive him back into his jungle lair for he is the Harvenger of Death." -Planet of the Apes > ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www,hotmail,com