Re: Zvelebil/Epstein/McReynold Comparison Rob Zook Thu, 23 Jul 1998 10:57:22 -0500 Marketa, It seems we have a ruling on the consonants, what about the vowels? Zvelebil Epstein Zook Brit. Eng. i/i: i/ii i/ee bit-beat u/u: u/uu u pool e/e: e/ee e/eh bet-bait o/o: o/oo o/oh botch-bought a/a: a/aa a/ah barter/bother* Did you intent to accept the Epstein vowels as writ, or did you want some modifications done there as well? * still not sure what if anything a: should sound like. P,S. Saul, did you make a copy of that tape yet, I'd really like to go over it again. Rob Z. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Canis meus id comedit.