A Formal Proposal (LONG) Ryan McReynolds Thu, 9 Jul 1998 18:40:26 -0500 What I'd like to do here is throw out my ideas concerning the dialect of Vulcan that we call the Zvelebil Construction. Before I begin, I want to assure all who may read this that I am completely satisfied with the language as it is progressing, and that this post is meant primarily in the spirit of IDIC. I am not a linguist, nor have I taken an active role in the creation of this language, especially as of late. I really like the language as it stands, but I do have a number of thoughts that, in my opinion, could improve it. I know that some may find it arrogant of me to even suggest some of the things I may suggest. All I ask is that the reader keep an open mind and remember that I am only contributing my two cents like everyone else, and I in no way intend to force my opinion upon you. You can take these ideas for whatever you want. A TRANSCRIPTION PROPOSAL There has been many discussions on this list concerning the various ways to transcribe Vulcan. Furthermore, there is a great deal of speculation as to exactly how to pronounce certain sounds. Below, I offer my proposed version of the "Vulcan alphabet." VOWELS a - as in "father" e - as in "pet" i - as in "sit" ii - as in "zuchini" o - as in "choke" u - as in "look" uu - as in "shoot" DIPHTHONGS Basically, any combination of the above is acceptable as a diphthong. Obviously some are more difficult to pronounce, but Vulcan is not supposed to be a human language as it is. Some are also more common than others, but that can be determined later. With their sensitive ears, diphthongs such as would be much more distinguishable than they are to our ears. CONSONANTS b - as in "boy" ch - as in "attach" d - as in "dog" dh - aspirated d, like "duh" but terser dzh - d+zh f - as in "fool" g - as in "god" h - as in "hat" k - as in "quick" kh - as in "Bach" l - as in "let" m - as in "man" n - as in "north" ng - as in "pong" ny - Spanish n+tilde, n~ p - as in "pod" q - k but farther back, in throat; Klingon q r - as in "red"; original rh? rr - as in "burrito", original r? t - as in "top" th - as in "this" ts - as in "cats" v - as in "vole" w - as in "what" wh - the original w~ whl - the original w~l x - as in "tax" y - as in "yell" z - as in "zap" zh - as in "azure" ' - as in "uh-oh" COMMON EXAMPLES brakh - brax imroiika - imroykah plomiik - plomeek t'haii'la - t'hy'la Spakh - Spock, as pronounced by T'Lar in ST:TMP Whl'q'n - W~l'q'n NOTES For the most part, it is primarily the vowels that are different between my system and those which have preceeded it. There are a few differences elsewhere, but as I said, they are all things which I believe would improve the learnability and "user-friendliness" of the language. Thank you for your time, and comments are always welcome. -McReynolds