UTA : Word construction features. Joel Peter Anderson Fri, 20 Mar 1998 14:10:25 -0600 (CST) Possibly of interest, maybe not.... I've been playing with my UTA programs and have an updated version of the JavaScript UTA at http://members,aol,com/JPKlingon/uta/utajv,html. This is the "Klingon" version (I'll probably add these features to the Vulcan and Romulan versions). AND eventually into the Windows version. (Note, of course, that the UTA project makes relexifying tools, mostly centered on using the different Trek languages for sources for "coded English" - though they can be used for other stuff...) I added a word creator, where you code a rule like CvVCc, provide a list of (one character each, sorry) vowels, and consonants, then push the "Create a Word" button. "Create a Word" - generates a new word using consonants, vowels, and rule: * C=random consonant here * V=random vowel here * c=optional (50% chance of putting one) consonant * v=optional (50% chance of putting one) vowel You can edit the UTA language (it doesn't get saved, it just persists for the duration of your browser session; reload wipes it out). "Replace the Language" replaces the whole "Galactic" half of dictionary with new words using the "Create a Word" function. You can edit the language file - * Index = which word pair in dictionary * Show = displays "index" entry * Update = rewrites word pair with what you put in ** joel anderson * joela*nts,umn,edu * mrklingon*hotmail,com ** **** Hegh tI, 'ej ngab tI naH, 'ach reH taHtaH joH'a'ma' mu'**** **"The grass withers, and the flowers fade, but the word of our ** ** God stands forever." Isaiah 40,8 NLT** http://umn,edu/~joela ** **http://members,aol,com/JPKlingon/uta: The Universal Translator**