Nihongo de. (Japanese) Sorik of Vulcan Sat, 14 Mar 1998 13:24:44 PST First I will explain what romaji is. It is the "romanization" of Japanese words and characters. Because a Japanese keyboard does not really exist, I cannot easily show which Jap. characters are called what in romaji, but that is unimportant. For instance Rob, the characters you created for Vulcan writing have a "roman" notation under them in order to help people sound them out. On a hiragana chart or katakana chart, this is also done. The word "tsunami" is really only three hiragana characters. The "tsu" is one, and "na" and "mi" are the other two. Despite the fact that there are only a couple Vulcan characters that amount to more than two roman ones does not however, mean that romaji (called something else) has no use in Vulcan. I will send post a more complete example of this in the near future, but this is what I could come up with on short notice: in the Zvelebil notation I would do this: vowels: i -as in pit would be notated as piht, where the "h" actually lets you know that it should be pronounced differently. The character would be represented in a romajish notation as ih. The character Rob created for this character would just be represented as intead of . In romaji, the "i" as heard in "ice" or "eye" are written as "ai". The "eye" sound is really just a combination of these two. In my opinion, the character presently known as i: should be written as "i". With this done, then there would not be a need for double vowels such as as notated by Saul (i think), unless you wish a vowel sound to be longer than usual. I would change the to sound like "boot". The would sound like "boat". If you wanted to make a vowel sound as in "but", I would suggest using "uh" to sho this. I will make a mre thorough translation later. Sorik "If everyone is unique, then that also makes everyone the same." ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www,hotmail,com