some questions Surak of Vulcan Mon, 02 Mar 1998 18:37:43 PST I am not a language expert, so I will never claim to know that much about the intricuit details of any language, but I believe I have an insight into symantics that ma be helpful. Some questions: Is the Vulcan language officially called Yakana? Has anyone even heard of this before? The reason I ask is because of a web site created by Steve Nibblink (sp?). He has the only Vulcan dictionary (that he and I have seen or know of) on the web. There are at least a couple hundred words in this collection. Some of the words were created by eager contributors which derived such rediculous words as m'cdonl'd = dinner, wt'wht'r = deciet, and som others like m'lgibs'n = lethal, or something like that. Forgive me if the creator of these words is on this list. Is one of the functions of this list to expand the vocabulary of Vulcan? If so, consider that because rokase means literally, medicine place, or hospital, that roratoq means paper place, or folder. There is a link to Steve's page at my site if anyone wants to survey it. Q: If I want to say, "Your friend Surak" do I say it like "S'at t'hyla Surak"? Until next time, LLaP Surak ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www,hotmail,com